"Kimberly is a very articulate person and a passionate speaker. I have heard Kimberly speak to large audiences on many occasions and I can say without hesitation that she has her audiences spellbound!"
- George M. Takashima, Past Executive Director, Canadian Association of Student Activity Advisors (CASAA)
"Kimberly's presentation of her story took us through her journey in a way that you felt like you were there with her. Her passion and encouragement will not be forgotten. All the feedback I received was of excellence. There were so many different take-aways that each individual could relate to their own lives. Thank you for such a wonderful experience."
- Laura Terry, Organizer, Residence Life Professional Association Conference
"I met you at the Women in Business Mixer last fall. I have a recap of the notes I made from your session pinned above my laptop on the wall to remind me to:
Know who I am.
What matters to me?
Ask yourself those hard questions.
No--no is not an answer.
How do you let go of fear?
What would you do if you were not afraid?
Be afraid but do it anyways.
Seize those opportunities.
I look at this daily.
Again, it was great to listen to you, meet you, and be inspired: thank you for that."
- Nancy Laverty-Snider, Drumheller
"I recommend Kimberly as a motivational speaker, and as a person of integrity, composure and one not afraid of putting oneself into an assignment. Kimberly was very much in tune with our students. She was able to read the audience and vary her remarks to fit the need and mood. She reached our students through her professional and sincere presentation which included humour, insight, and deep understanding of student life."
- Mr. A. E. Maynes, Past Principal, Stirling School, Alberta, Canada
“I was beyond impressed! You command the attention of the young women and involve them completely in your presentation—it was moving.”
- Kristine Cassey, Past CEO, Lethbridge YWCA
“As you related your experiences, your listeners realized their opportunities, their responsibilities, their true potential. You changed lives.”
- Past District Governor Lion Gordon Ziegler, Saskatchewan, Canada