We’ve been talking about multiple generations in our workplaces for many years now, trying to understand:
what people from different generations want,
what motivates each generation,
how each generation likes to communicate, and
how they can all be supported to do their best work (individually AND as a team!).
As a leader, this can feel like a lot! Even with your best efforts, you are probably not meeting the needs of some people.

As a Keynote Speaker, I often face the same challenges. For every keynote or workshop I present, I want to know who is in the audience so I can figure out how to share my information in ways that will resonate. I ask myself “How can I inspire this audience to shift their mindset so they can tap into the best, most powerful parts of themselves, making them want to take action?”

This post from the brilliant Julius Solaris came across my feed recently. It reflects the shifts in how communication and interaction are desired at events. My sense is that this change isn't entirely due to the different needs of various generations though. I think social media has taught us to look for information in short, entertaining segments full of visuals with the ability to interact through engaging in comments and sharing.
What are your thoughts? Are you seeing these same shifts, or the desire for them, in your workplaces? Do you feel it's motivated entirely by generation? Or are there other factors as well?
